Silvia Beccaria and Chen Li

installation of some works of the serie “Fragments and dialogues”

Frammenti e dialoghi (Fragments and dialogues)

joint works Silvia Beccaria and Chen Li
Start Saluzzo Arte April 26 to May 5, 2019. Curator: Rosy Togaci Gaudiano

 Frammenti e dialoghi is an joint art project by Silvia Beccaria and Chen Li about their common experience of life as artists.
Credo fermamente che la parola sia non soltanto il mezzo di
espressione, ma una parte del pensiero stesso, la parola è il più
puro mezzo dell’arte.

"There is a territory of meaning in which images and words can find their origin, in which signs are twisted together with gesture and sound before articulating an accomplished process, from which a device capable of putting sense and meaning into shape will emerge. That territory is characterized by the expressive fluidity of creativity, before it can become fixed in an apparatus made up of signs solidified in images or speeches, and it is an starting state of the artistic process to which access is very difficult, both for the artist, both for the user of the work." 
Roberto Mastroianni

      Chen Li Studio di Arte calligrafica
      Italy- via Principe Tommaso 26a - 10125 Torino - e-mail:

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